The team

john Sutter

Vice President of Operations
Since 2023

  • Chicago Cubs

craig purcell

Craig Purcell

Manager of Visitor Experiences
Since 2017

  • It is my job to make sure every visitors has his or her best experience, and to address any issues that may prevents that from happening.

    Like many of my teammates, I've served in a number of roles that have "popped up" on various occasions...from doing house tours and working in the Welcome Booth, to slinging garbage or helping with food prep in The Stretch.

  • The fact that 100% of the people who come to visit are already in good moods, and often because of their interactions here, they leave in even better moods. I get share my love of the movie and of baseball with other like-minded boys, girls, men and women. It doesnt matter who they are or where they've come from, baseball is the great equalizer and everyone is equal here.

  • Shoeless Joe...when he talks about smelling a glove or a baseball, the "thrill of the grass" and the roar of the crowd. Especially when he says, "I'd have played for nothing."

  • Chicago Cubs

chris tomas

Chris tomas

Accounting Manager
Since 2012

  • Involved in all day to day aspects of anything financial including accounting, payroll, accounts payable and receivable, bank reconciliation, etc..

  • Watching people having fun!

  • Annie

  • Chicago Cubs

Morgan thein

Office & Events Manager
Since 2020

  • I handle all administrative tasks, as well as plan and facilitate private events on site, including home rentals, field rentals, and events taking place in the event center.

  • I love that every day is something a little different and seeing how much joy people from all over the world experience when they visit.

  • Annie

  • New York Yankees

Delaney Banowetz

Sports, Events, & Operations Intern
Since 2022

  • I help plan and execute events at the field as well as contribute research and recommendations to Go the Distance Baseballā€™s development business plan. I also support the planning and operation of youth baseball tournaments.

  • My favorite thing about working at the Field of Dreams is seeing and hearing what this place means to so many people, and how everyone who comes here has their own story to tell.

  • Karin Kinsella

  • Chicago Cubs


Food & Beverage Manager
Since XXXX

Dean Knepper

Manager of Facility and Grounds
Since 2020

  • I oversee the management of the facilities and grounds to accommodate our valued guests to the Field of Dreams Movies Site. I grew up on a farm, owned and operated a farm and know the principles of hard work. I have served on several boards and committees such as the Western Dubuque Community School District Board, Dubuque Rotary Club Board, along with Dubuque Chamber of Commerce and Dyersville Imagine 2020 committees. Through the years I have gained experience in management, project management, sales, vender relations, contracting, carpentry, design and construction, landscaping and lawn care, along with land stewardship. Iā€™m a lifelong learner, love a good challenge, and am team oriented.