September 5-7, 2025
Moonlight graham Classic
50+ senior baseball Tournament
“Is there enough magic out there in the moonlight to make this dream come true?”
- Archibald “Moonlight” Graham
Experience the magic of the game in the Moonlight Graham Classic - a 50+ Senior baseball tournament hosted by the Field of Dreams at Dyersville-area facilities. Grab your glove and bat, pull on your uniform, and show off why baseball remains the one constant.
What’s Included?
3-Game Minimum- 5 games maximum; 2 in preliminary play + single elimination bracket (8-team maximum divisions)
Opening Night Festivities & Championships at the Field of Dreams Movie Site
Team Special Guest Dinner Banquet
Awards for first- & second-place teams in each division
Commemorative Pins
Massage Therapists (users are expected to tip)
All outdoor events are dependent upon weather. Rain or severe weather may impact actual tournament experience.
All teams need to be in compliance with all park, facility, and city guidelines, policies, rules, and ordinances. Coaches MUST submit the following documents before their scheduled weekend:
Complete team roster
Player age verifications
Signed team and player waiver
Coach signed rulebook
Additional documentation as necessary
Opening Night At Field of Dreams
Weekend highlights
Friday, September 5
Cash Bar
Complimentary Hors D’oeuvres
Special Guest Speakers & Dinner Banquet
Friday, September 6
Team & guest banquet buffet
Cash Bar
Field Locations
1300 Aquatic Dr, Dyersville
300 Park Dr, Worthington
Field of Dreams Movie Site*
28995 Lansing Rd, Dyersville
301 1st St NE. Farley
105 McCormick St, Dubuque
*No Carry-Ins Allowed at This Location
Registration will NOT guarantee a game on the Movie Site field
More locations may be added based on registrations
Plan your visit
Find the right places to rest and refuel between games. Here are lists of lodging options and restaurants in Dyersville and the surrounding are to help you plan your weekend
Find more trip ideas from our tournament sponsor:
Check out our Tournament Support Partners
Special Thank You
To our sponsors to helping make this event possible: