Ghost Saturdays

For more than 30 years, the Ghost Players have entertained folks from around the world with their hilarious diamond hi-jinks and family friendly message.

Here is your chance to enjoy their self-proclaimed “Greatest Show on Dirt.” All shows are an hour long and start at 1PM except for the night game on August 16 that starts at 6PM. Please bring your own seating.

General Admission is Free

Upcoming Events

July 5

July 19

August 2

August 16

Get V.I.P. Treatment

Want to watch the show from the best seat in the (farm)house? There is an VIP option available that allows you to take in the Ghost Show from the Farmhouse porch! A VIP ticket provides you:

- Chairs on the farm house porch for the game for VIPs only or seating on farmhouse porch swing (PORCH SWING CAN ONLY FIT 3 PEOPLE)

- Personal concession stand service (no waiting in line) and assistance with photos on the porch swing (available only before the game)

- Includes one hot dog (beef) or one burger (beef) plus a side of chips or popcorn and one non-alcoholic beverage per person, and two beers per person over 21 years of age (additional beer available for purchase by those 21 and older)

- Private enhanced tour of the Field of Dreams Farm House at 12PM

- One baseball autographed by the Ghost Players per person

- Includes a souvenir jar of dirt or corn harvested from the outfield beyond The Field of Dreams Movie Site Field

- One Field of Dreams Movie Site koozie

- "Is This Heaven?" bumper sticker


Adult seating on porch: $69

Child 14 & under on porch: $59

Adult on porch swing: $89

Child 14 & under on porch swing: $79